We're here for you:

Tel 01438 234804


Opening hours


Mon/Fri 8.30am -3.00pm


Drop off


8.30am - 9.00am


Session times


9.00am - 12.00pm

12.00pm - 3.00pm





Please also use our contact form.


Knebworth Pre-School
Park Lane

Knebworth SG3 6PD



Knebworth Pre-school
Knebworth Pre-school

We believe in working together







Parents - keep an eye on this page to find out how you can get involved and have a break from the children. Or even better come along to our next committee meeting and help out.


Does your company do Fund-matching for fundraising events? Please let the committee know if you'd be able to help us in this way, as this could substantially increase our fundraising income from one event for no extra effort!


Shop through http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/   There are most online retailers. Simply nominate Knebworth Pre-school as your charity and we get a 1-3% donation per purchase.


Buy your name label for children's clothing through http://www.easy2name.com/  We get a 20% commission per order.


Collect vouchers from supermarkets and put in the boxes at school. This helps us buy new equipment.










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© Knebworth Pre-School