We're here for you:

Tel 01438 234804


Opening hours


Mon/Fri 8.30am -3.00pm


Drop off


8.30am - 9.00am


Session times


9.00am - 12.00pm

12.00pm - 3.00pm





Please also use our contact form.


Knebworth Pre-School
Park Lane

Knebworth SG3 6PD



Knebworth Pre-school
Knebworth Pre-school

What is a pre-school parent committee?


The pre-school is governed by an elected parent committee. The committee is a small team, who work with the staff to manage the pre-school, oversee finances and make sure that policies are actively in place to ensure the children's safety and enjoyment at pre-school. The committee also has the main responsibility for raising funds for the running of pre-school, particularly for new toys, equipment and treats for the children,


We put on events that parents and children can enjoy and raise some money at the same time. Over the last few years, money raised has helped buy the canopy for the outside area, new laptops, new toys and books, We're currently fundraising for new cameras to help document the children's progress, a new photocopier and new construction and role play toys. Toys get worn out quickly at pre-school!


The small core committee is elected each year, many other parents get involved in organising events. If you've got any ideas or you are interested in helping out, then we would love to hear from you. We have regular meetings to discuss ideas or please contact one of the committee members.


The current committee are

Maria Kirk

Elizabeth Balcombe

Judith Wheeler 


Please check our events page










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